I place an emphasis on quality of service. Contact me to help you get your papers in order, create your own accounting and tax checklist/calendar, and keep your financials up- to-date. Contact me to clean-up your "shoe-box" filing methodology.
What makes me unique is the personal attention, commitment and energy I bring to each client relationship. I work together with you to ensure you that you are receiving the accounting and taxation assistance you need to meet your business and individual goals.

I worked hard to get my two Masters' degrees: Accounting and Taxation. Since graduatuation from SUNY Albany, NY, I have 20 years experience in tax and bookkeeping preparation.
After school I worked for Ernst & Young in NYC and prepared corporate, individual and non-profit tax returns. Soon after I worked for a Fortune 500 company that was headquartered in Scottsdale as the State Tax Manager. I was responsible for the filing of over 300 state returns including corporate, property and sales tax and information returns. I have worked for 3 CPA's in the valley (interesting enough, they have all been women). Currently, I still work with two of them: Caryn Horvitz-Strauss of CHS Tax & Business Services, PLLC & Carolyn Sechler of Carolyn Sechler, CPA PC. Both are very bright and knowledgeable.
Currently, my husband and I have three children in the Mesa Public School District and one enrolled at ASU. I serve as President of my child's elementary school PTA, Treasurer of the neighborhood little league, VP of the neighborhood swim team and assist the neighboring junior high with several projects.

IRS Circular 230 Disclosure
To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that the federal tax advice (if any) contained in this communication (website including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.